
πTon/2 is a sound installation that intervenes in the continuity of the researches of Cod.Act on mechanical and sound organicity. It results from an experience on the deformation of an elastic form and its incidence on the evolution of a musical work.

The object is a flexible ring closed on itself. It is set in motion by torsional engines located inside its body. πTon, by twisting and waving on itself, moves in a very natural and unpredictable way.

The origin of the music created by πTon is a deep sound of bass clarinet. It evolves according to its movements and is diffused by loudspeakers located inside its body. When πTon moves slowly, its contractions and dilatations produce deep sensual sounds that evolve like deep breathes. When the movements become fast, nervous and brutal, the creature develops acid and sharp sound along the tube, like a nervous flow.





  • WienModern Festival, MAK Museum, Wien (AT)


  • Swiss Robotics Days, EPFL, Lausanne (CH)
  • Blooming Festival, Pergola (IT)


  • IFVA Festival, Hong Kong Art Center
  • Art’s Birthday 2021, E-Werk, Freiburg (DE)
  • Klang Moor Schopfe, Festival für audivisuelle Kunst, Gais (CH)
  • Total Cod.Act, Retrospective, La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH)


  • Winterwarm Festival, Kasterlee (BE)
  • Festival les Battements de l’Abbatiale, Bellelay (CH)
  • Ferme des Tilleuls, Lausanne (CH)


  • Art Rock Festival, Saint-Brieuc (FR)
  • Itaú Cultural, exhibition “Cybernetic Conciousness”, Sao Paulo (BRA)
  • Nuitnumérique, Saint-Ex culture numérique, Reims (FR)
  • Perm Museum of Contemporary Art, Perm (RU)


  • KIKK Featival, Namur (BE)
  • Matera Intermedia Festival, Award of distinction-Sound Art, Matera (IT)


  • Exhibition unREAL. The Algorithmic Present, HeK, Basel (CH)
  • ACA Chronus Art Center, Shanghai (CN)



  • Commissioned, Association La Nef, Le Noirmont (CH)
  • Faulhaber Minimotor SA

technical sheet